About Health Networks

How We Work

Network development is non-linear and based on recognising that each initiative is unique. Just as each community and stakeholder group has different needs and challenges, each strategic goal has areas of strength and areas for development.

The Strathcona Community Health Network seeks to:

  • embrace collaboration to spur innovation, create efficiency and maximize impact

  • solutions oriented and asset based

  • build on existing strengths and opportunities within the Strathcona region

  • encourage capacity building approach so the community is strengthened and partners grow and improve their knowledge, skills and infrastructure through engaging with the network

  • are adaptive and responsive, acknowledge the diversity member communities and changing community contexts

  • acknowledge issues of equity related to vulnerable populations

  • integrate culturally appropriate practices and honor traditional knowledge

  • are evidence-informed, balancing the best available data with local knowledge in collaborative decisions

  • are inclusive and transparent

  • encourage membership from a diverse spectrum of groups

What We Do

The Network supports organisations to achieve their mandate and increase the region’s ability to build healthy communities by: collecting data; connecting and supporting initiatives; influencing decisions; and leveraging resources. It will not replicate the work of existing organisations or structures, but will convene action tables to assist initiating, leading and evaluating action when no clear lead organisation or group is evident to drive the work forward.

Where We Work

The Strathcona Community Health Network works in the Strathcona Regional District on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

The regional boundaries extend from the Oyster River in the south to Gold River, Sayward, Tahsis, Zeballos and Kyuquot-Nootka in the north and west, and east to Cortes Island, Quadra Island and the Discovery Islands as well as a portion of the adjacent mainland north of Powell River. This includes Campbell River. First Nations include; Homalco, We Wai Kai, Wei Wai Kum, Klahoose, Kwiakah, Tlowitsis, Mowachaht/Muchalaht, Ehattesaht, Nuchatlaht, Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h'.

Why Does It Matter?

Community health networks bring together people from wide-ranging backgrounds, roles and perspectives to take action on issues that impact health and well-being in their communities. The focus is on complex issues.

A Community Health Network in the Strathcona region provides a mechanism for citizens working and living in the regional district to come together and speak with a collective voice on health issues and share ideas and resources to build healthier communities.  The Network aims to improve health and well being and focus on the social determinants of health.

Community Health Networks on Vancouver Island:

Funding for Strathcona Community Health Network provided by: